IOS 13.6 is Out! - What's New?

Video of the Day (iOS 13.6 is Out! – What's New) | Brad's Blog


The complete release notes for iOS 13.6 are as follows: iOS 13.6 adds support for digital car keys, introduces audio stories in ‌Apple News‌+, and contains a new symptoms category in the Health app. This release also includes bug fixes and improvements. This update also includes bug fixes and other improvements.

 Hi everyoneVenom here for VenomTg and today apple new released ios 13.6 to all ios 13 supported devicesthat means if your device supported ios 13 it will supportthis version this came in at a very large 3.75 gigabytes if you're goingfrom the beta to the public version now if you are on ios 13.6 gmyou already have the final version it's the exact same thingif you don't have the gm and maybe you're updating from ios 13.5.1expect the update to be much smaller so this particular update has a lot ofinteresting things in it but if you're going from the gm version to the publicall you need to do is remove the beta profile if you've gotit installed so go to your settings go to generalgo to profile delete the profile and that will remove the profile from yourdevice and you'll no longer get any more ios 13betas if they decide to put out another one after 13.6 now let's take a look atthe build number and talk about everything newthe build number is 17g68 and i'm running it on my iphone 11i also have it on the iphone 6s plus as well as the ipad air 2.and this particular update if you're coming from a beta does not have a modemupdate so cellular connectivity won't beaffected at all but if you're coming from 13.5.1you may see that update now as far as new features in this while there are afew of course this isn't ios 14 so it doesn't have major changes but itdoes have a few things and the first thing has to do with settings so if wego into settings and then you go to general and then yougo to software update you'll see under software update thatyou have customize automatic updates if you go into customize automaticupdates you can set it to download ios updates automatically andalso install ios updates automatically thisis a new option that allows you to decide whether or not you even want itto download an update onto your phone so maybe you don't want the next updateright away you want to save storage on your phoneturn it off and you'll be good to go now when it comes towi-fi there's actually a feature we can't see that is for administrators sodepending on how you're connecting probably at this point in time you maybe working remotely and connected through a vpnadministrators can now specify domains to be excluded from always connected vpnconnections so this is an administrative option thatthey've added and is available only through thosedevices that are being administered from a company so that's there foradministrators and you can't really see thatat least in the settings now in health we have a couple new optionsso if we go into health you'll see you'll have your normal summary of youractivity and movement and things like thatbut if we go to browse down in the bottom and then scroll down a little wenow have symptoms and symptoms is a new categorywhere we can put in information based on if we have anythingfrom acne to chills to congestion to faintingfatigue any of these things loss of smell hotflashes any of these things can be updatedand this could be an easy way to record this informationshould you need to do that for a doctor or you want to keep track of it yourselfyou also will have the option to share this with third party applications ifyou want to of course you don't need to use it atall but say you had a sore throat now in this part of the application you can adddata and select whether or not you're havingany symptoms whether they're mild moderate severeand when you're actually presenting with those symptoms so if you'd like to usethis it's now a feature within the health appnow one new feature is digital car keys now this is a featureyou can't necessarily see and you would add through apple walletso if you're in wallet for example you go into wallet it loads you hit thelittle plus and you can add a digital car key thisallows you to unlock and lock your car using your phone bytapping it to an nfc area or bringing it close to an areaand specifically the only cars that support it right noware brand new bmws that just started production so they may or may not beavailable by the time you're watching thisbut you can use that paired with your phone to actuallyunlock your car start your car and in the future you'll just leave it in yourpocket or a purse get next to the car unlock it and get inand go now there's also a new feature because of car keysthat allows you to have what's called power reserve so maybe your battery isdepleted down to zero your phone shuts off you'll stillhave up to five hours of battery life to unlock your car according to apple soit's a power reserve feature specifically for that that should helpif you have no battery power left in your phone now with apple newsapple has updated quite a lot in here for those that may be visually impairedor just want to listen to the news on the goso if you go into the news app and i really don't use news but maybe i'llstart using it more we'll wait for it to load and of courseyou can scroll through your news stories but down at the bottom we have a newaudio button if we tap on audio you'll see that wehave a daily news brief that we can listen tothis is updated daily and it's free for everyonehowever if you subscribe to apple news plus you can listen to a lot of newsfrom those that actually add it apple will update this regularly whereyou can listen to your news so that could be really helpful for those thatjust want to listen to their news on the way to work or continue tolisten to news because you're visually impaired either way you'll have theability to listen to news now now also if you're getting dailynewsletters those can be personalized in mail so if you go into your followingscroll down here just keep going you'll see notification in the emailgo into that and then we can unfollow news that we don't want to listen tojust want to turn these off not listen to different news channels you canlisten to some not listen to others maybe you don't want to receive any justturn them all off leave them on whatever works for youset it up and then you'll get your daily news brief that way sothat's a really nice option since i get these every day and i never remindremembered even signing up for them so it's nice that i have the option nowand then finally in news they've updated it so that if you live in new york cityla houston or san francisco there's now more comprehensive coverageso if you live in those metro areas you'll have the ability to haveadditional news every day now that's it for the actual new features in ios 13.6but there's a lot of bug fixes as well and so the first one has to do withusing icloud drive so if you're using icloud driveand it's syncing prior to this apps could becomeunresponsive so maybe you open the weather app and it just wouldn't workwhile things were sinking everything should work properly now it also fixesan issue where some calls from saskatchewanappeared as though they were originating from the united states so that should beresolved if you were having that problem there's also fixes to more calls when itcomes to wi-fi calling and apple has updated wi-fi calling sothat audio now works properly prior to this i even had this issue i'd place aphone call on wi-fi calling and the audio would drop that should nowbe resolved and then also if you're using an iphone6s or a first generation iphone se and we're not able to register yourphone to use wi-fi calling that should now work properly so ifyou're trying to use wi-fi calling that should work now if you're using ane sim instead of a physical sim card like we would havein this iphone 11 what you'll you might have had before is if you were roamingit could still show as disabled now it will show properly if it's enabled soit's just a little bug they had there now with the ipad if you're using aphysical keyboard with an ipad maybe you have it paired with an ipad or maybeeven a phone what could happen is maybe you go to awebsite and it prompts you for a keyboardand you go to change the actual website url you want to go toit would still pop up this keyboard from time to time even if you had a physicalkeyboard they've now resolved that so it won't pop up anymoreso that was a little bit annoying for some people so i'm glad that they fixedthat and then also with keyboards they fixedan issue where japanese keyboards would incorrectly be mapped to united stateskeyboards so that should all be fixed and finally ifyou're using assistive touch control center may have beenunresponsive so control center should now work properlyif you're using assistive touch so that's great to see that they fixthat now other than the features and the bug fixes i've mentioned apple alsolinked to security updates as well now these are not always updated rightaway but apple can usually be expected to have at leasta few security updates with each concurrentmajor public release so expect the device to get a little bit more securemaybe they found a few loopholes or things like that for securityexpect that to be patched now don't expect any more new features until ios14 is released we may see an ios 13.7 it's really hardto say at this point but i think apple will release ios 13.7betas maybe or maybe we'll just see an ios 13.6.1 to fixminor things until ios 14 comes out a little bit later this yearso don't expect anything major until then now as far as battery life on thisparticular device well battery life is a little bit hard for me to measure withthis because this is not my main ios version i'vebeen running ios 14 beta 2 on my iphone 11 pro max for alittle while and it's something i really enjoy usingand it's hard to use two phones at once and just determine what battery life islike but most people are saying 13.6 is muchbetter than ios 13.5.1 so on my iphone 11 my battery health isquite good and in fact i've considered moving tothis device for a little while because it doesn't have pwm or flickering thedisplay like oled displays but if we go to battery health you'llsee this one's at 100 percent and i haven't used it very much recentlysince updating or anything else so my battery life isn't very up to date ofcourse on this device but many of you have said that it'svery good and in fact here's a screenshot fromone i looked at recently with the gm that makes it look like it's pretty goodi think this will last throughout the day you should get 10 to 12 hours onsomething like an 11 pro max performance has been quite good as wellon older devices i showed minecraft in the ios 13.6gm video but in general the performance is quite goodframe rates are great you'll wait for this to load this is just wi-fi loadinghere you'll see once it's loaded scrolling isnice and this is on an iphone 6s plus one of the oldest supported devicesscrolling is nice and fast everything just seems to keep up well so don'texpect it to get any slower it seems like it's going to be this fastall the time now as far as ipad os the same thing can be saidthis is one of the oldest supported ipads so this is an ipad air 2.again scrolling is fairly fast sometimes it will stutter from time to timeafter it reloads you can see there's a little bit of a frame rate stutter fromtime to time it's not a huge deal on a device thisold although i wish they would keep it a little bit fasteragain back and forth multitasking we can go back into safariand things seem to load fairly reasonably sothey're not too bad here and i think it's very usable at this point andshouldn't have an issue but don't expect any otherfeatures other than what i've already mentioned with ios 13.6on ipad os 13.6 that's it for ios 13.6 now let me know if you're using ios 13.6or maybe you decided to try out ios 14 betas i'd love to hear from you in the comments below.